Sunday, July 03, 2005

Because They Care

In it's never-ending crusade to assist America in dealing with the porous situation that exists along the southern border, Al-Jazeera had planned an hour-long investigative report, meant to demonstrate "how easy" is is to get into the U.S. through Mexico.

And they might have done it too....if it weren't for those hateful racists at The Minuteman Project.

The Minuteman chief said he refused to cooperate, telling the Times: "I felt that allowing Al-Jazeera to come along on our patrols or to assist them in their report was aiding and abetting the enemy, so we declined. Obviously, whatever they would have filmed would have been shown to viewers that would include terrorists and their report would only highlight holes in our homeland security."

That isn't just racism folks. That is the most racist of racist racism. To simply assume that whatever Al-Jazeera aired would have been seen by Jihadists determined to enter this country and commit horrible atrocities is beyond the pale, and exposes the Minutemen for what they are.

Today we must all dig deep within ourselves and ask the tough question: How does keeping an in-depth report on the southern border from reaching potentially thousands of Jihadists make this country safer?

If you reached the obvious conclusion that it will do nothing, and will only inflame militants upset over our use of the Patriot Act to stifle acts of terrorism within our borders, are a boob.

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