Sunday, June 26, 2005

Democrats Are Not Afraid To Fight

What would a weekend be without an installment from Liberal Larry, who this week goes on a tirade against KKKarl Rove and his "treatment" of liberals recently.

In the wake of the terrorist attacks, America was united in their grief for the thousands who died without dignity. But for some, the grief didn’t make the natural transition into guilt and shame for what American imperialism has done to stoke the fires of hatred in the Middle East. Rather, a fascist furvor of unbridled jingoism swept the land. Soldiers were lionized. Liberals were demonized. France was mocked and ridiculed. “Bush = Hitler” saturday morning cartoons were banned from the airwaves. As progressives watched in horror, the red staters took to flying their flags, singing “God Bless America”, and fawning over the military. It was a slap in the face of those of us who despise God, America, and the military, yet kept our yaps shut until well into 9/12 for the sake of national unity.

So much for "tough love."

We're sorry Larry. We didn't realize that our patriotism and desire for freedom around the world caused the left so much personal anguish. Might I suggest a new entitlement whereby, frustrated and forsaken leftists receive a healthy government stipend for the psychiatric care necessary to feel whole again. It is personally disturbing to me, and should be to all conservatives, that so many of our American brethren are walking around with such an unhealthy mental disorder.

Bring back compassionate conservatism. Insitutionalize now!

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