Sunday, February 25, 2007


Climatologist Patrick J. Micheals questions the penance suggested by global warming high priest, Al Gore:

Nowhere in the traditionally refereed scientific literature do we find any support for Gore’s hypothesis.

Chalk up another actual scientist sure to be roasted over a sacrificial carbon neutral fire.

The affect on Gaia could be further offset by roasting these guys, this dude, these fellows, this MIT guy, this denialist, some science type, a whole bunch of people, don't forget these smarty-pants, George Will, this guy, this one, and another denialist, over the same flame.

It may be the only way to drive home the point that the debate is over.

UPDATE: Surprise, surprise. The Goracle's work of complete fiction wins an Oscar for best documentary. As if we needed any more evidence Hollywood is a caricature.

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