Sen. Kerry found himself all alone while he was over here. He cancelled his press conference because no one came, he worked out alone in the gym w/o any soldiers even going up to say hi or ask for an autograph (I was one of those who was in the gym at the same time), and he found himself eating breakfast with only a couple of folks who are obviously not troops.
Of course, if evil Republicans hadn't maliciously attacked Carry and twisted his words into something he never came close to saying, the troops wouldn't have greeted one of their greatest heroes like this. Perhaps if they had received a decent education they could learn to think for themselves and wouldn't have fallen for such a cheap political trick, obviously engineered by Karl Rove.
Really smart Americans understand the nuance of what Carry was trying to say. Unfortunately our underachieving troops aren't quite there yet.
In other dumb-dumb news, GD1, better known as my "bumper sticker" by sick, twisted, angry, impotent, "progressives" not worthy of a link, has her National Guard physical on Thursday morning. If all goes according to her plan, she will be a sworn member of the armed services by early afternoon. I hope to have photos later this week.
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