Monday, November 27, 2006

Rangel's Military Lovefest

Like John Kerry, Charlie Rangel has now gone on record with his characterization of American troops as the bottom-feeders of our society:

If a young fella has an option of having a decent career or joining the army to fight in Iraq, you can bet your life that he would not be in Iraq.

And how eerily similar the two men sound. Wrong and idiotic, but similar.

No doubt this post will give Loflyte another chance to accuse me of calling signals from Karl Rove's "playbook." However, I'm afraid that says more about his inability to see the truth in front of his face than it does about my political affiliations.

If we need a more local example, here's one: My daughter (Grave Disappointment #1) is currently in the recruiting process for the National Guard. She has wanted to join the guard since before she was politically aware and her desire to serve prompted study on Iraq. Despite problems there, she still has a strong desire to go and, as she says, help Iraqi's become self-sustaining. This revelation prompted a now ex-friend of hers to call her a "tool for George Bush" in an e-mail, before ending with this tag:

you are stupid and i guess when you die at war... well at least we didnt loose an intelligent american who could do our country some good.

Indeed. The left loves the military. How could I have been so misguided? Thank goodness the military is now guided by these truly intelligent Americans, who have such deep respect and admiration for their sacrifice.

We should also be grateful their intelligence has begun to rub off on the next generation of smart Americans.

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