Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Mother Whored for Eco-Spotlight

Putting aside life experience that forces me to ponder where one might find enough "ecobabes" to fill a year-long calendar, this idea raises a few questions:

...a group of self-proclaimed "ecobabes" in Sonoma County found a unique way to bring out global warming's naughty side -- posing for a pinup calendar.

The ecobabes calendar will set you back $16 at the website, though it is entirely unclear what will become of the money. Of course, the money comes directly from whoring the earth's resources for monetary gain. Were one to include murdered trees used to provide paper, dangerous chemicals in the ink introduced into the delicate atmoshpere, CO2 generated in producing and shipping the calendar, and the environmental cost of disposal and biodegradation of potentially thousands of ecobabe calendars, there's an outside chance the calendar will do more damage to Mother than the funds raised could ever repair.

And that doesn't even include the optional shrink-wrap.

Not everyone in the reality-based community is pleased with the fully-clothed ecobabes though, but none for the obvious reasons I just mentioned:

"I felt it was objectifying women and using their bodies to make money," said Alisha Clompus, 26, an artist and anthropologist who is office manager for the Northcoast center. "It's like making money off another form of oppression."

Those crazy feminists. They won't be happy until every woman in America is wearing a burqa.

Tim Blair has more, including tittilating confessions from actual ecobabes, and this gem:

The day I invent a name so splendidly, drearily evocative as “Alisha Clompus”, I’m outta here. It simply can’t be beat.

Let's hope Tim never invents a name that splendidly, drearily evocative.

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