Wednesday, May 04, 2005

IT OCCURRED TO ME TODAY THAT IF THE U.N. were a person, they'd be serving consecutive life sentences for an entire array of crimes against humanity. It's enough to make a pessimist like myself wonder who hasn't been raped, molested, killed, or simply had food or medicine taken out of their mouths by the odorous criminals at the UN. The numbers just grow and grow. Thank God we live in a country that has little use for their "peace missions."

And, while we argue about whether or not John Bolton has shown the proper "allegiance" to subordinates, more is coming to light every day. French bank BNP Paribas, the UN's money launderer, admits that it made a few "mistakes." Mistakes? Claudia Rossett explains.

...some of these mistakes involved the rerouting of money through a global web of companies linked not only to terrorist funding and arms trafficking but also to anti-sanctions campaigning and front operations for the Iraqi regime itself.

In all, at least an estimated $470 million was sent to "third parties" without protest from the UN.

You'd think the one thing left and right in this country would agree on is the need to reform the UN and that a guy like Bolton is just the kind of strong voice we need. Unfortunately, Bolton happens to be a Bush nomination, which is simply unacceptable to hyper-sensitive Democrats who now see every appointed Bush nominee as a personal defeat.

While the left is busy worrying itself over whether Bolton is too "ill-tempered" to send to the hothouse flower of global government, it looks more and more like the UN was financing terrorists and evil regimes on a massive scale.

With all of this going on, leave it to Roger Simon to ask the only two relevant questions:

This is what "liberalism" has come to?

How do these people look at themselves in the mirror?

Yes, and I don't know.

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