Thursday, February 22, 2007

Gaia Requires Sacrifice

Suzanne Fields notes something that 15,000 French people already know: environmentalism kills. As it turns out, even in New Orleans:

In 1977, the Army Corps of Engineers wanted to build large steel and concrete "sea gates" below sea level to prevent hurricane force winds driving storm surges into Lake Pontchartrain, overflowing into low-lying New Orleans. Such gates have been enormously successful in the Netherlands. But the Environmental Defense Fund, which had been a party to the lawsuit leading to the banning of DDT, persuaded a judge that the sea gates would discourage the mating of a certain fish species. Fishy romance trumped the lives of 3,100 Orleanians. "If we had built the barriers, New Orleans would not be flooded," says Joe Towers, who was counsel for the New Orleans District of the Corps.

To You, Gaia, we happily offer these sacrifices, hoping that someday You will be pleased and bestow upon us Your blessings. Amen.

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