Saturday, April 09, 2005

Death By Environmentalism

This article, brought to you by the Intellectual Conservative, is lengthy but excellent read on the human toll of environmentalism. Here's a paragraph on the cause of 15,000 deaths heat-wave in France a couple of years ago; environmentally driven energy taxes.

Sure enough, the high energy taxes have worked exactly as the environmentalists planned: they have reduced energy consumption. Seeking ways to cut their electric bills, French citizens realized that air conditioners consume more energy than almost any other household appliance. For the poor and the elderly, especially, air conditioning simply became unaffordable. So, by the millions, they decided to forgo the amenity that environmental taxes made so expensive. Air conditioning, so universal in America, became in France an indulgence of the well-to-do. As Chantal de Singly, director of the Saint-Antoine hospital in Paris, put it in Le Monde (August 19, 2003), the heat wave revealed two classes of French citizens: "the France of the air conditioned versus the France of the overheated."

The article also covers CAFE standards, DDT, and the food industry. The whole thing makes an excellent weekend read.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In Al Gore's book, "Earth in the Balance", he talks about his wish to raise gasoline and energy prices so high that the 'people' will clamour for alternative energies.

How's that for a conspiracy? I guess it never occurred to him and other lefties who believe that nonsense that people wouldn't be able to afford alternative energy sources, either.