Tuesday, January 02, 2007

She'll Say Anything For Power

Nancy Pelosi in November:

Pelosi says she won't emulate Republicans, who froze her party out of negotiations over legislation. "We're talking about opening Congress," she says.

The latest House majority stategery:

Democratic leaders say they are torn between giving Republicans a say in legislation and shutting them out to prevent them from derailing Democratic bills.

They complained constantly for 6 years about a "Republican dictatorship." Pelosi, I guess, intends to improve the very thing she campaigned against by trying to re-create it on her own terms.

It was never about anything other than gaining power. Never. It's that simple. This essentially proves it. Pelosi will now engage in the exact same practices she condemned on a daily basis for six years.

Did anybody really believe she wouldn't? Well, the voters, sure, but they're suckers.

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