Tuesday, December 19, 2006

I Smell Dinner

If there was a category for funniest thread of the year, it would have to go to Tim Blair and his faithful's total dismantling of Iron Mike Hudson. It is difficult to encapsulate the destruction but I will give it a try.

Tim called attention to Hudson as another heavy breather prepetuating the myth of the plastic turkey. Pretty harmless actually. It's your typical myth breathlessly reported - myth exposed - we all move on story. Unfortunately for Iron Mike, he insisted on entering a debate with a pack of genius wolves capable of maintaining a death grip on his political jugular.

Mike, not yet aware of the lurking danger, responded:

...if I want to make fun of an American president I’ll do so without any interference from some wallaby eating sheepherder. Now go back and play with your didgeridoo before I have to come over there and smack you upside the head.

As the wolves closed in on Editor Cottontail, he unveiled the impenetrable shield of military service and membership to the VFW, which served only to leave a blood trail for alpha wolves Dave and Bruce to follow. Salivating with the truth in Editor Cottontail's own words, they closed in, only to be once again given pause by Editor Cottontail, who promised a response column in the world renowned Niagara Falls Reporter. Why put your prey out of its misery when it promises to once again make a fool of itself? There will always be time to catch dinner.

In the meantime, Editor Cottontail just didn't know when to bound for the safety of the forest. This thread is amusing, Cotton checks in around comment 138. This statement is pretty telling:

I think the world would be a safer place today if Saddam was still in power and we had regime change here in the U.S.

The column promise:

Thanks girls. Got the funniest column ever out of your idiotic anger. I suppose that if I had to live in a shithole like Australia I’d be angry too.

And where the wheels really start to come off the bus (scroll for ultimate enjoyment).

True to prediction, Editor Cottontail did not provide his vast readership to a link in the now infamous Monday column so readers could judge for themselves what an ass he is. Instead, Editor Cottontail plays the hero, having bravely vanquished the salivating wolves of truth singlehandedly, complete with more vile insults aimed at Australia.

Meanwhile, he has still not admitted that he lied his military service and his "membership" to the VFW, choosing rather the typical Leftist Cottontail tactic of relentlessly changing the subject to Unhinged Liberal Talking Points 101.

All over a turkey, which Editor Cottontail still can't bring himself to admit was, in fact, real.

Actually, Mike and I sound a lot alike. Both of us came from a background in music and decided to become journalists. Unfortunately, Mike and I parted company when I decided to to do my best to resuscitate and maintain the high ideals of print journalism, while Mike decided those ideals paled in comparison to pushing his heavy-breather agenda.

We only hope print journalism can survive Editor Cottontail, if indeed he ultimately survives the genius wolves at Tim Blair.

UPDATE: Welcome Tim Blair readers. Please...be merciful.

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