Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I Get the Coolest E-mail

I received this e-mail in response to one sent out by a film-maker buddy of mine. Judging by the return e-mail address it appears to have come from another film-maker, and was a rant worthy of publication. Either he is clairvoyant, or like many of us he is all too familiar with the process of American politics.

I was in Panama when the Hurricane hit. Flying from DFW to Miami we passed by the north edge of Katrina as it was heading west into the Gulf. Two days later, when we learned of the disaster, I wondered aloud to my fellow travelers how long it would take for CNN to blame President Bush for the hurricane. My answer came within hours.

I just love it when liberals, propose more government as the solution to all social ills. Instead of taking on responsibility themselves, they cry and whine about the ineffectiveness of the very institutions they insist upon creating. And at that point, in a stunning illustration of how they just don't get it, they propose even more government to solve those bureaucratic shortcomings.

This is an example of the main public-policy tenant of Liberalism. I've identified the process. It's consistent 100% of the time whether it's welfare, education, agriculture, Medicare, or FEMA. Here's what you can expect from liberals and most moderates:

1. Identify a problem.
2. Conclude it's the government's responsibility to fix the problem.
3. Set up an agency, bureaucracy, or committee.
4. Appropriate funds to fund the agency, bureaucracy, or committee.
5. (And here's the key to the whole process) Create a government PROGRAM that APPEARS to address the problem, but which stops short of actual success. (Translation: waste the money.)
6. Identify some level of ineffectiveness ranging from complete failure to very limited success.
7. Complain that the PROGRAM is under funded.
8. Repeat steps 1-7.

There is no doubt in my mind, that when the current disaster is in the rearview mirror, or sooner; liberals and moderates will be wanting to enlarge the scope and power of the federal government, to prevent a similar occurrence. Unfortunately, some conservatives will go along with the ruse. These people fall into two categories: Either they are well-meaning but inane and gullible enough to believe that government bureaucracies can effectively and efficiently manage programs, or they are malicious, power-hungry demagoges, willing to sacrifice the good of the country for their own personal benefit.

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