Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ivins Gives Me Hope

Remember the Molly Ivins column in which she claimed the U.S. had killed more Iraqi civilians than Hussein ever did? Well, via Lying in Ponds, Ivins took it back yesterday.

CROW EATEN HERE: This is a horror. In a column written June 28, I asserted that more Iraqis (civilians) had now been killed in this war than had been killed by Saddam Hussein over his 24-year rule. WRONG. Really, really wrong...There have been estimates as high as 1 million civilians killed by Saddam, though most agree on the 300,000 to 400,000 range, making my comparison to 20,000 civilian dead in this war pathetically wrong.

I was certainly under no illusions regarding Saddam Hussein, whom I have opposed through human rights work for decades. My sincere apologies. It is unforgivable of me not have checked. I am so sorry.

I'm not sure if it's related, but an interesting anomoly has occured at Physics Geek.

Props to Ivins for having the stones to correct the record I guess. But, is it not astounding that someone who claims to have "opposed" Hussein "through human rights work for decades," and is reportedly paying close personal attention to the war in Iraq, actually has to check the record?

In her original quote, and in her apology, Ivins displays an ignorance of facts that is appalling for a syndicated columnist.

I think I've been coming at this journalism thing all wrong. Perhaps what I need to do is dumb it down, and papers will fall all over themselves to publish my thoughts. Ivins is my new benchmark.

Also posting: Michelle Malkin, Chrenkoff, Kerfuffles

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