Sunday, July 24, 2005

Durbin's Slander Will Reach Far and Wide

Baldilocks has a great post on Ted Kennedy and Daniel Akaka's trip to GITMO this week, in which soldiers gave the two senators a piece of their mind. Be sure to read her collection of thoughts.

Naturally, the two senators have made no mention of their visit in public thus far, nor would I expect them too. People don't usually go out of their way to make themselves look like idiots. Of course, in Kennedy's case "going out of his way" is a relatively short trip.

Austin Bay points out that, were the shoe on the other foot, we would be seeing a very different reaction from the left and the media.

The press and bloggers need to either get transcripts of the interviews or — better yet– let’s get some of these soldiers on-line to tell us what they told their senators. Just imagine the headlines and obliterative outrage if Repubs touring Gitmo got an earful from the troops.

Spread the word. We want a full and open disclosure of the interviews. The senators represent us and the soldiers defend us. That makes their gathering a completely public one. I think we have a right to know how our soldiers reacted in the face of one of their primary detractors.

Or, should it be only Kennedy that gets a bully pulpit?

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