Friday, July 15, 2005

Abortion Out Of Vogue In Minnesota

The Star Tribune reported Wednesday that the State of Minnesota has dropped below 14,000 abortions annually for the first time since 1975.

Naturally, the two sides of the issue disagree on the cause.

"One of our great hopes in passing Woman's Right to Know was that more pregnant women would make an informed decision not to abort their babies, and this is clearly happening," said Scott Fischbach, executive director of the Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life.

But Tina Smith of Planned Parenthood in Minnesota notes that the numbers have been dropping for years. She said one of the keys is providing access to birth control. "That's what Planned Parenthood does every single day," she said.

Given that "birth control" is widely regarded as the primary reason for having an abortion, perhaps Smith should have said "alternative" forms of birth control. Incidentally, Planned Parenthood profits from the practice of abortion. With business down, does anyone suppose an advertising blitz is in the works?

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