Tuesday, June 21, 2005

9/11 Victim Families Speaking Out

The families of those killed on 9/11 are not very pleased with the museum of freedom planned for the memorial. Can you blame them? Who wants a liberal lesson in revisionism on the grave of their relatives.

"It doesn't belong at a memorial," said Charles Wolf, whose wife, Katherine, died in the World Trade Center collapse. "You wouldn't put a debate about Nazism and authoritarianism at Dachau."

Center President, Charles Wolf, perhaps emboldened by the drop off of blog interest in this subject, basically told the families where they can stick it.

Center President Richard J. Tofel said that while the causes of the Sept. 11 attacks would not be up for debate, the center would not bar criticism of the United States and its actions.

"Part of the way we celebrate freedom is to acknowledge that even the greatest societies in the world and those that have made the greatest contribution to freedom are not perfect," he said.

What? France isn't perfect?

This issue cannot be allowed to die. The victims of 9/11 and their families deserve a memorial that they, and we, can be proud of. Let the anti-American left keep their "history lessons" where they belong, in college classrooms from sea to shining sea.

Sign the petition, keep the ball rolling. Michelle Malkin has a load of links to peruse on the subject.

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