Friday, July 03, 2009

No Brainer

We're back.

Lot's to tell but not right now. The starter cord on the Johnson is fixed, it's a beautiful day, and we're going fishing.

At right is a picture of Scroo-Loo at Fisherman's Wharf. We had seafood there at Castagnola's with my dad's brother and family; the crab and scallops were divine.

We also had dinner at Michelangelo caffe in North Beach, and steak at John's Grill in the financial district. Despite the fact that the restaurant was packed, our dinner was in front of us within ten minutes of ordering. Amazing.

By far the biggest culinary adventure though, was the $5.99 dim sum and Chinese barbeque in Chinatown. Suffice to say we spent the rest of the night waiting for the other shoe to drop.

All in all, food-wise, it was a great trip. And we actually lost a couple of pounds anyway due to all the walking.

More to come.

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