Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Kerrys Expend CO2 Needlessly

Under the ironic title "Too much hot air on global warming," John and Teresa Heinz Kerry contribute to the problem:

People across this country are grasping the scientific reality that we are in the middle of a crisis. The Earth's poles and virtually all points in between are heating up at a frightening and potentially catastrophic pace.

I suppose if you call one degree in a century "catastrophic" we are indeed in a middle of a "crisis." When you factor in that Antartica is cooling on average .12 degrees per decade, Greenland cooled 1.29 degrees from 1958 to 2001, massive oceans have cooled, and that there are myriad examples of warming and cooling at "all points in between," it's not quite as "frightening."

Honesty and global warming simply do not go together. And these people wonder why we point and laugh every time they open their yaps.

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