Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Don't Forget the Farm

Bush's response to charges that there is something untoward about the unremarkable exercise of his constitutionally held power:

"In this case, I recognize the importance of Congress understanding how and why this decision was made," Bush said in an evening press conference. "So I'll allow members of Congress to interview key members of my staff."

Is there anybody out there who holds some faint hope that someday Bush will actually take on his critics instead of giving into them? That he will come out swinging instead of whimpering? Or was I the last one?

I'll always have great respect for the man for his dedication to principle over polls. A lesser man would have bailed on Iraq two years ago. I admire his ability to tune out the noise and do what he believes is right.

But those polls also reflect his inability, or unwillingness, to communicate with the American public. If I had my way, his public relations staff would be taken out behind the shed and beaten mercilessly.

UPDATE: Dick Morris agrees:

When will the Bush administration grow some guts? Except for its resolute -- read: stubborn -- position on Iraq, the White House seems incapable of standing up for itself and battling for its point of view. The Democratic assault on the administration over the dismissal of United States attorneys is the most fabricated and phony of scandals, but the Bush people offer only craven apologies, half-hearted defenses, and concessions. Instead, they should stand up to the Democrats and defend the conduct of their own Justice Department.

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