Monday, December 04, 2006

Here a Myth, There a Myth...

Via Fraters Libertas, Senators Rockefeller and Snowe are appealing to ExxonMobil to shut the hell up and start worshipping at the altar of global warming:

...we must request that ExxonMobil end any further financial assistance or other support to groups or individuals whose public advocacy has contributed to the small, but unfortunately effective, climate change denial myth.

Apparently, the $4 billion the federal government awards global warming research scientists isn't enough for the Senators to feel their message is properly disseminated. Dissent must be squashed! OpinionJournal has a theory as to why:

...if the Senators are so afraid that a handful of policy wonks at a single small think-tank are in danger of winning this debate, they must not have much confidence in the merits of their own case.

Speaking of myths, a peer-reviewed study has this to add to the debate-that-isn't really-happening:

...two researchers from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles (USA) conclude that "the theory of currently observed global atmospheric warming as a result of increasing anthropogenic carbon dioxide emission is a myth," and that it has "proved to be an enduring one."

That is some kind of crazy, dissenter, scientific mumbo-jumbo. Perhaps it would be better if recovering from the brink of this global disaster were left to those with a little faith.

Incidentally, were one to possess a desire to stay abreast of the global warming fallacy - while we still can, I heard it is going to be 40 degrees this weekend, a sure sign that the end is near - there is no better place than Tim Blair. His devotion to "dangerous support of the deniers" is truly...well...mythical.

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