Monday, April 03, 2006

Smug Alert: Hollywood

Hollywood is the gift that just keeps on giving these days. Paul Verhoeven's excuse for the bomb that is "Basic Instinct 2" is classic. I get the feeling we're going to start hearing this one a lot:

"Anything that is erotic has been banned in the United States," said the Dutch native. "Look at the people at the top (of the government). We are living under a government that is constantly hammering out Christian values. And Christianity and sex have never been good friends."

There is so much absurdity here it is hard to know where to begin. Somebody introduce this guy to the internet, first of all. If anything, the American market suffers from erotic overkill, making a Hollywood peekaboo remake more a novelty for the discerning eroticist.

Secondly, there is the implication that conservatives make sexual decisions based on being in the majority. In other words, before Bush was elected those same Christians were somewhere more free of Christian oppression.

Lastly, it is hard to argue that Christianity, thousands of years old and thriving, hasn't made some kind of peace with sex. For their part, Republicans are happier people all around, if you believe polls. Rest assured, that happiness has nothing to do with a lack of physical love.

Advice for Paul: MAKE BETTER MOVIES! Would it be so hard?

I wonder if Verhoeven had his eyes closed when he vomited up this latest statement. Face it people, America just isn't ready for hybrids.

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