Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The NSA is Vewy Scawy

ABC has news on Russell Tice, the heroic whistleblower who makes stunning revelations like this:

"The mentality was we need to get these guys, and we're going to do whatever it takes to get them," he said.

That's Bush for you.

"If you picked the word 'jihad' out of a conversation," Tice said, "the technology exists that you focus in on that conversation, and you pull it out of the system for processing."

And we actually used it?

Tice's primary allegation is that the number of "Americans" who were subject to the surveillence could be "in the millions if the full range of secret NSA programs is used."

Tice doesn't site any examples. Just scary talk about how powerful the NSA is.

No kidding?

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