Sunday, January 22, 2006

Another Democrat Takes the Big Leap

Democrat Dan Gerstein is the latest on the left to notice the "alternate universe" that pervades much of his party. He pays special attention to those on the left that are calling for a filibuster of Alito, apparently unaware of the public embarassment the hearings became for the left.

It reinforced the leftover perception from pre-Clinton days that our party cries wolf on race when it can't win on the merits, and thereby lowered our credibility one rung more in challenging legitimate incidences of discrimination. Those who suggested to Ted Kennedy, et al., that this was a winning play should have their strategists' licenses revoked.

Gerstein goes on to articluate something that has been alluded to on many occasions here.

And that's the heart of the problem with our party and its angry activist base. It's not so much that we're living in a parallel universe, but that we have dueling conceptions of what's mainstream, especially on abortion and other values-based issues, and our side is losing. We think that if we simply call someone conservative, anti-choice and anti-civil rights, that's enough to scare people to our side. But that tired dogma won't hunt in today's electorate, which is far more independent-thinking and complex in its views on values than our side presumes.

Until the Democratic Party cuts loose of its unhinged and creates a platform for the country, Gerstein doesn't see too many electoral, judicial, or legislative wins on the horizon.

I can't imagine where I've heard all of this before.

Of course the left has been too busy attacking the war effort to pay much attention. Here's a few samples:

...despite all the repressive measures the US army and its agents take to the point where there is no significant difference between these crimes and those of Saddam.


The wise ones know that Bush has no plan to achieve his alleged victory in Iraq.


Reality testifies that the war against America and its allies has not remained confined to Iraq, as he claims.

In fact, Iraq has become a point of attraction and recruitment of qualified resources.

Oh wait...that was Bin Laden. Sorry. I know, I know, too easy. But than, is that my fault?

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