Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Because Children Might Not Get That Abortion is Positive

Planned Parenthood in San Francisco has created it's very own animated super-hero to help kids get the message that abortion is good, while abstinence and faith are bad, bad, bad.

An online animated video sponsored by Planned Parenthood's San Francisco-area branch features a superhero character drowning an abstinence promoter in a trash can and blasting into oblivion several pro-life picketers protesting in front of one of the organization's facilities.

The group's character title is "A Superhero for Choice," by far the most uninspired super-name in all of animated history. Was there no one in the office with an ounce of creativity? How about "The Scrambler" or "The Human Baby Vacuum?"

Aside from the flat name of the character however, the video accurately depicts how the pro-abortion crowd feels about anyone who disagrees with the positive nature of turning tiny human beings into gravy.

The eight-minute "A Superhero for Choice," posted on the Planned Parenthood Golden Gate website, has a bespectacled black woman in San Francisco morphing into a red-suited flying enforcer, bent on making the world safe for the organization's values.

Viewers see three teenagers talking with an ugly green-faced man sporting a top hat and bow tie who tries to tell the kids abstinence is the only sure way to protect against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. The teen girl rebuts the man, naming several birth-control methods.

Retorts the little green man: "Those are instruments from the devil's toolbox!"

The superhero arrives in time to fill a trash can with water and dump the pro-abstinence character into it, slamming the cover down. After the man's muffled voice eventually dies off, the superhero tosses the teens a "safe sex kit," reminding the kids: "Safe is sexy!"

The "Superhero for Choice," dubbed Dianisis, next confronts a group of protesters in front of a Planned Parenthood facility. They, too, are ugly and have green faces, carrying signs that say, "Pray for thy sins."

The superhero character uses a "condom gun" that catches each protester in a prophylactic bubble, which subsequently explodes. Though she admits the protesters have a First Amendment right to picket, she glories in the fact that people can now visit the Planned Parenthood facility unimpeded.

You know, every time I have ever tried to describe abortion to my daughters, they have come away with the impression that it is unseemly at best, and downright evil at worst. All this time I thought it was because abortion is unseemly and evil, only to find out that I just haven't put it in the proper context.

Now, thanks to The Superhero for Choice, I don't have to struggle through difficult attempts to describe the process of abortion in such a way that my teenagers understand, that while perhaps clumsy and a bit bloody, abortion is a beautiful thing, and anyone who disagrees is ugly, religiously brainwashed, and deserving of drowning in any handy trash can.

Even more amazing, Planned Parenthood accomplishes this vital public service without even mentioning the word "abortion." So when the kiddies, inspired by their new superhero role model, go to Planned Parenthood to escape the wrath of their ugly, condemnable parents, all they have to do is ask for one of those thing-ama-jigees.

Folks, you'll pardon me if I note that the left in this country has become a sick fucking joke.

Also posting: Cannuckistan Chronicles, Lifelike Pundits, Meira Online

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