Tuesday, July 12, 2005

NAACP Lays Out Extortion Plans

Via Power Line, The NAACP has announced that it will begin the process of extorting money from private companies for sins that occured over 140 years ago.

The NAACP will target private companies as part of its economic agenda, seeking reparations from corporations with historical ties to slavery and boycotting companies that refuse to participate in its annual business diversity report card.

"Absolutely, we will be pursuing reparations from companies that have historical ties to slavery and engaging all parties to come to the table," Dennis C. Hayes, interim president and chief executive officer of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said yesterday at the group's 96th annual convention here.

The NAACP is even able to show an impressive success rate for extortion.

J.P. Morgan Chase Bank recently completed an examination of its history and found that two financial institutions it absorbed years ago -- Citizens Bank and Canal Bank in Louisiana -- had owned more than 1,250 black people until the Civil War, procured as collateral on defaulted loans.

The company apologized and officials said it will start a $5 million scholarship program for children in Louisiana.

No one at J.P. Morgan has ever owned slaves and no one who may receive a scholarship has ever been a slave. Nevertheless, J.P. coughs up because of an unspoken threat that they will be charged with racism and boycotted.

Dennis C. Hayes, interim President of the NAACP, lays out why this extortion is necessary.

"Many of the problems we have now including poverty, disparities in health care and incarcerations can be directly tied to slavery."

Blaming something that happened so long ago for current problems is the victim mentality at it's worst. Hayes implies that nothing that happened since that time has had any effect whatsoever on the black community. He argues that an entire race of people, none of whom have a single direct memory of slavery, are nonetheless crippled by it.

This story puts me in the mood for La Shawn Barber, who expressed these thoughts when congress apologized for not passing anti-lynching laws.

...decades of bloated socialist programs that caused the black family to disintegrate. Paying unmarried women to have babies is obscene, immoral, and the reason so many (too many) black children have no fathers to speak of. Treating blacks like dummies who require separate (LOWER) standards than every other race is offensive...

Generations of blacks have been lulled into feeding from the government trough, and the damage it caused will reverberate for generations. And those numbskulls down the street are apologizing for failing to pass anti-lynching laws 100 years ago. Lord, give me strength.

According to the NAACP, none of this matters. Rather, all of the black community's troubles stem from a practice that hasn't existed for 140 years and was expunged from our society at the expense of roughly 600,000 lives.

Are those lives not reparation enough?

Instead of actually trying to help his people, Hayes simply wants to create another trough, and another excuse. Shame on him.

Also posting: Captain's Quarters, RightWingNews

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