Friday, July 22, 2005

Jonathon Chait Needs Professional Help

Frustrated that Rove-Plame is a non-story? John Roberts not controversial enough to generate inspiration for your column? That's not a problem for Jonathon Chait, who finds it "disturbing" that Bush would ask Supreme Court nominees about their exercise habits.

I don't mean the fact that Bush would vet his selection for the highest court in the land in part on something utterly trivial. That's expected. What I mean is the fact that Bush has an obsession with exercise that borders on the creepy.

Given the importance of his job, it is astonishing how much time Bush has to exercise. His full schedule is not publicly available. The few peeks we get at Bush's daily routine usually come when some sort of disaster prods the White House Press Office to reveal what the president was doing "at the time." Earlier this year, an airplane wandered into restricted Washington air space. Bush, we learned, was bicycling in Maryland. In 2001, a gunman fired shots at the White House. Bush was inside exercising. When planes struck the World Trade Center in 2001, Bush was reading to schoolchildren, but that morning he had gone for a long run with a reporter.

Chait concludes that the president isn't really running a government, but a "cult of personality" based on exercise, and attacks the president pretty viciously based on that assumption.

What a flippin' rube.

Let me get this straight. Useful idiots like Chait are obsessed with Bush and literally every thing he does. They count the minutes he spends at Camp David or in Texas, dissect his every word, and attack his every position based on little more than the fact that it is his position. Now, exercise is even a negative character trait. Why? Because it is a Bush trait.

Redguy sums this idiocy up pretty well:

Friends, the following story demonstrates what I believe to be the most pathetic, desperate and infantile waste of waste of pulp and pixels in the history of the modern media.

I couldn't agree more. Chait needs professional help. He has obsession issues bordering on the frightening. He even has the audacity to infer that his job is far more demanding than the president's and doesn't have the time to exercise.

Apparantly that includes his mind.

Also posting: Daily Pundit on why SCOTUS should exercise.

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