Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Craziest Thing I Have Ever Seen

We are all used to media depiction of automobile accidents involving SUV's right? The ones in which there does not appear to be a driver involved? For instance: "An SUV crossed the center lane today and killed a family of five."

Tim Blair provides this quote from an article appearing in The Age, which takes the practice of blaming inanimate objects for deaths to an entirely new level.

On July 7 three trains and a bus in London killed 56 people - including the four suspected suicide bombers - and wounded 700.

Word on the street is that the London police currently have a half dozen buses and at least two trains under surveilance, suspected of helping to plan the attacks on unsuspecting fares. Don't believe me? Check the next line:

Since then, Britain's newspapers and television news broadcasts have been filled with images of heavily armed police on London's streets.

No doubt sending a strong message that London will not tolerate acts of terrorism from it's various modes of public transportation. As usual though, they are probably shutting the barn door a bit too late. While they are profiling buses and trains, the next attack is being planned by militant taxis, or perhaps even a rogue faction of rick-shaws.

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