Guy who needs an ass-whuppin'
The House of Representatives today passed an amendment to the constitution that would allow the senate to ban the burning of the American flag.
By a 286-130 vote - eight more than needed - House members approved the amendment by the required two-thirds majority after a debate over whether such a ban would run afoul of the Constitution's free-speech protections.
If approved by a similar two-thirds majority in the Senate, the amendment would then move to the states for ratification. It would have to be approved by three-fourths, or 38, of the 50 state legislatures to become the 28th amendment to the Constitution.
To be honest, I'm not all that excited about the amendment. I think burning the flag is an expression of free speech and should be protected. In the short-term, it is an excellent way to determine who in this country really needs an ass-whuppin'. It will be much harder to tell without the convenient blaze surrounding the stars and stripes. We'll have to judge by smell or t-shirt slogans, which are much harder to spot from a distance than a flag ablaze.
And let's not forget the long run. Someday, God forbid, the liberals may actually gain back power and continue the process of running this great country into the ground. I may want to burn one as a sign of protest. Of course, by that time we'll be flying the UN flag, rendering my gesture meaningless , but shouldn't I have the right anyway?
In short, don't ban flag burning. It's a helpful tip now, and will make a wonderful disposal system if the liberals get back into power and hand our sovereignty over to the UN.
UPDATE: Apparently I am not alone in my assessment. The American Mind thinks it is a waste of time. It appears, for now though, that the amendment will not make it out of the senate.
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