IT IS PROBABLY AN UNDERSTATEMENT TO SAY THAT this would be a huge mistake.
The White House on Wednesday left open the possibility that the U.S. prison camp at Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, Cuba, could be shuttered after criticism of the facility that has led former President Jimmy Carter and others to call for its closure.
When asked if President Bush would shut down the detention center, White House press secretary Scott McClellan responded that “we’re always looking at all alternatives when it comes to dealing with these detainees.”
Indeed, giving into the far left on Gitmo will just shift the battle to another front. We are at war here folks. Only a suicidal nation would allow enemy combatants to simply return to the battle. The backlash the first time detainees are proven to have again taken up arms or are caught on tape sawing somebody's head off will be immense.
Even if the horribly misguided charges made against the U.S. could be proven, and weren't mostly the word of detainees trained to lie, they are a far cry from the rhetoric that has been used against the camp. Closing the camp would only be a sign of weakness to an enemy that thrives on weakness and exploits it at every turn. Mark my words, closing Gitmo would just be another victory for the terrorists, further emboldening them and causing more bloodshed.
Are we really going to just sit back and allow the far-left to sabotage the entire war on terror from within? It sure is starting to look like it. As amazing as it is that anybody listens to the left at all at this point, and they are gambling on an uncertain future. If we are hit again, or the closing of Gitmo results in a degradation of the war on terror, there will be hell to pay.
For a group that claims to only want to "save lives," they sure have a propensity for insuring that more Americans and innocent Iraqi's are put in harms way. It is clearer now than ever that the left wants to lose this war. While that is no surprise really, that the Bush administration would allow it to happen is.
First of all, I don't think that anybody is really suggesting that we simply release all of the detainees, if, in fact the decision is made to close Camp X-Ray. I think that one possibility being floated is that we move them to other camps, and give them access to legal counsel, as the Supreme Court has ordered.
Secondly, I am sure that you are right that those who actually belong to terrorist groups have been trained to lie. They are not the ones, however, who are making the bulk of claims of abuse there. The claims are being made, in large part, by those former prisoners who have been released, who, of course, are not terrorists, otherwise, they wouldn't have been released.
Yes, we'll send them all to other camps where we can start this process all over again. Whether we let them all go or start over somewhere else, the end result is the same. The left will not stop until they ARE free men.
Because they aren't "terrorists" per se, I guess that means that they are our best friends and would NEVER lie about anything.
The naivete on the left is so astounding as to defy common sense.
Interestingly enough, you seem to be willing to admit that the folks left behind ARE terrorists, who would then NOT fall under the protection of the Geneva Convention. Yet you still think they should all have access to legal teams and the court system.
Let's face it, the left in this country has been sabotaging the war effort from the word go. If you think that the terrorists will appreciate that you are dead wrong. All the anti-war crowd has accomplished is to prolong the war and weaken the good guys along the way.
Peace my ass. This has always been about America losing. They can live with that in the annals of history. My only regret is that a single soul ever gave any credence to a single thing they said.
Shameful is what it is. And a complete disregard for what our troops and the millions of FREE Iraqi's are trying to overcome.
Interestingly enough, you seem to be willing to admit that the folks left behind ARE terrorists, who would then NOT fall under the protection of the Geneva Convention. Yet you still think they should all have access to legal teams and the court system.
We won't know unless they are tried in court.
Let's face it, the left in this country has been sabotaging the war effort from the word go. If you think that the terrorists will appreciate that you are dead wrong. All the anti-war crowd has accomplished is to prolong the war and weaken the good guys along the way.
Bull-tucky. Let's take a deep breath, t. What exactly would be the motive for "the left" to undermine our own country? If we don't step up and defend our rights, and the rights of those we accuse, then what exactly are we defending in our war on terror? You mentioned somewhere before that we supressed rights in wars before. Does that automatically make it right? Exactly what do we lose in terms of security if we give those at Guantanamo legal representation, and perhaps a trial, away from the press, with proper security to protect national secrets? Absolutely nothing. What do we win if we allow the terrorists into scaring us into rolling back over 200 years of Constitutional precedent and our rights along with it? EVERYTHING WE STAND FOR, AND ARE FIGHTING FOR!
Spare me the self-righteous buillshit Kevin. We are in a war. Gitmo is full of enemy combatents. It's not a game, but the only ones keeping score is the left.
I couldn't wait to hear the outrage of the left if we chose to have secret trails for the detainees.
I have watched the anti-war crowd from day one my friend. If you think they have accomplished ANYTHING except to undermine the effort you are sadly mistaken, horribly misguided, or dangerously naive.
Scaring us into rolling back 200 years of constitutional precedent? Puhlease. Get a grip. If we are to win the war, like we wanted to win other wars, we must be pragmatic.
This is what I despise so much about the left. They are always trading a theoretical danger for a real danger. When it is used for global warming it makes me laugh, when it is used to protect welfare programs it makes me roll my eyes.
When it is done in a time of war at the cost of lives it truly pisses me off.
So save it.People are dying and the anti-war crowd has done nothing but make it worse.
Along the way they have said virtually every hateful thing about my country and my military imaginable. If they don't have the stomach for my assessment of their actions well...they can go straight to hell.
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