Monday, June 06, 2005

DAN SCHNUR POINTS OUT THAT LATINO VOTERS ARE increasingly choosing the Republican Party, and points to three factors that account for the shift.

Various theories try to explain this shift in voting behavior. Like most ethnic groups that immigrated to America during the 19th and 20th centuries, Latinos became more conservative economically as they achieved greater prosperity. Also, Latinos serve in the armed forces at much higher levels than any other ethnic or racial group, leading to higher support of the Republican agenda for national security and military preparedness. Finally, there are rising numbers of Latino voters, both Catholic and evangelical, who relate to the GOP's platform on issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage.

Add to this trend shifts among union membership and African American voters, and the Democratic Party appears to be having trouble hanging on to the very core of it's constituency. But don't tell tham that. They don't want to hear it, won't believe it anyway, and certainly won't address the reasons for the shifts.


Kevin McKague said...

The news of the death of the Democratic Party is highly exaggerated. We heard jokes in '91 that a Democrat would never live in the White House again, and then an unknown governor from Arkansas, of all places got elected twice.
Let's also remember that the lamest choice in the bunch running for the Democratic nomination in '04, Senator Kerry, who was labeled as the "most liberal Senator" won around 49% of the popular vote.

Teaparty said...

Like I said...

Kevin McKague said...

Like I said, 49% from the "most liberal Senator" is hardly the result of a party without supporters.

Teaparty said...

Yes Kevin, everything is cherry with the party. Dean is doing a wonderful job raising money,the unions aren't feeling any unrest, and minorities will continue to vote blindly along party lines.

This must be why Hillary is running toward the center at break-neck speed,and John Kerry has little hope of winning the nomination in 2008.

This is why countless Democrats are screaming that the party stands for nothing and has no plan for the future.

It's all good. Like I said...

Kevin McKague said...
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Kevin McKague said...

You said: "This is why countless Democrats are screaming that the party stands for nothing and has no plan for the future."

Probably no more than in the Republican party. There are pleny of vocal Republicans speaking out against where President Bush is leading the party. From religious conservatives who think he should ban stem-cell research completely to moderates, who would have preferred Sen. McCain, to the more libertarian branch, who think that the party should focus more on economic conservatism rather than on opposing gay marriage or abortion. I think that the Republicans, from the administration to Congress, have just done a better job lately of keeping to the talking points when feeding the media.

I think that it is extremely likely that the Democrats will gains seats in both the House and Senate in '06.

Teaparty said...

I am sure you are right...