Sunday, May 08, 2005

(UPDATED 5/9/ 10:58 central) If anything is going to get West, it will be charges like these. Giving jobs to people you want to have sex with is a no-no, just ask Bill Clinton. still, it seems to me that the Spokesman-Review could have stuck to the facts. West may have hired potential lovers or offered them jobs. He may also be guilty of charges of long-ago molestation. Is that not a worthy news story?

Why the Spokesman-Review chose instead to focus on West's sexual orientation, and how awful it is to be a gay Republican, is beyond me. It seems they skipped right over the story in their haste to butcher his character and his politics. At this point, they better hope the molestation charges stick. If they don't, all the Spokesman-Review will have to justify their actions is another horny politician, similar to the one they presumably defended to the last a few short years ago.

NEW CHARGES ARE BEING MADE AGAINST WEST by one man who was never molested apparantly, and another who says he was molested, not by West, but by another man. The victim claims that he reported the incident to West who told the kid to "forget about it."

I'm not really sure where that leaves things. There is no charge of molestation here, but rather it is a charge of complicity in another man's illegal actions back 25 years ago. There is no word as to whether there will be an investigation into these allegations.

To this point there really isn't much to go on. The District Attorney probably won't pursue an investigation based on the original complainents as they are both felons, and these latest two don't allege any molestation, just complicity based on a single conversation in 1980. One of the new complainents is "openly gay" and may have an ax to grind. Who knows? Here's a quote:

"He then asked, 'Would you want to do anything else?" And that's what kind of weirded me out. It was definitely an awkward feeling, because I knew who he was. I don't know what his intentions were, but I definitely felt they were sexual," Crelia told the newspaper for an article published Saturday.

He "felt" they were sexual. This isn't even an allegation, unless making someone feel uneasy for an unknown reason is a crime.

For now, any official investigation will include only an effort to:

...determine whether the mayor violated city policy for Internet and e-mail usage. The probe also will look into the mayor's internship program.

This thing keeps getting stranger. I still believe that there is unlikely to be an investigation into molestation charges. If indeed there is none, or an investigation proves West innocent, this will have all been over a chat at, and "outing" a gay Republican who has not been in lock-step with his fellow homosexuals.


Teaparty said...

I believe you are refering to the "Log Cabin Republicans."

I don't know much about them.

Anonymous said...

As I recall, the Log Cabin Republicans, didnt even endorse Bush for President last time around.

BTW, I heard a report on this story on CNN radio this evening. The reporter referred to West as "The anti-gay politician".

Nope, no bias there.
