Sunday, May 29, 2005

THE SUNDAY FUNNY COMES ONCE again from Liberal Larry, who must be stopped!!

According the the FDA, Viagra can cause blindness, and it hasn't escaped Larry's attention that it is a vicious Bush polt, foisted on the American people through Bob Dole, consummate puppet of the administration.

Obviously, the GOP is creating an army of perpetually horny jazz pianists, for what evil purposes I have yet to uncover.

One thing is for certain, blind people cannot vote - nor can they bear witness to the horrible crimes of the Bush Junta. Nor can they read this entry informing them of Bush's sinister plot. Unless, of course, their monitors display in braille - but I doubt they do, thanks to Bush's slashing of funds to help the visually impaired. Meanwhile, the wealthiest 1% of Bush's Big Viagra buddies fill their pockets with the eyeballs of working families.

Bush's "Big Viagra buddies" will be easily identifiable by the bulges in their pants.

Alright now, get your mind out of the gutter, the bulges are from the eyeballs, not the Viagra.

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