Here are two quotes from extremists on the subject of rape. The first, via LGF:
“Every minute in the world a woman is raped, and she has no one to blame but herself, for she has displayed her beauty to the whole world...“Strapless, backless, sleeveless - they are nothing but satanical. Mini-skirts, tight jeans - all this to tease men and to appeal to (their) carnal nature.”
Here's another one, courtesy of Discover the Network:
"One of the differences between marriage and prostitution is that in marriage you only have to make a deal with one man." "Marriage . . . is a legal license to rape." "The hurting of women is . . . basic to the sexual pleasure of men."
So, what is the difference between the two quotes, other than that one blames women for all rape, and the other essentially accuses all men of being rapists, considering we need to hurt women to feel pleasure?
The first quote is from Sheikh Fiez Muhammed, an Islamic fundamentalist whose views are championed by Islamis terrorists the world over, who believes that women shouldn't have any rights...period. The second is from Andrea Dworkin, long-time leader of the National Organization for Women (NOW), and celebrated leftist poltical activist. Here's what NOW has to say about her in the wake of her recent death:
She was a longtime member of NOW. Dworkin was one of feminism's most rigorous minds and fiercest crusaders. In her determination to articulate the experiences of poor, lower-class, marginal, and prostituted women, Dworkin deepened public awareness of rape, battery, pornography, and prostitution. Called 'the eloquent feminist' by syndicated columnist Ellen Goodman, Dworkin's impassioned words always informed, provoked and inspired.
She almost certainly inspired this girl, who falsely accused men of rape to make a political statement. To my mind, there is very little difference in the rhetoric of Muhammed, and that of Dworkin.
Just a reminder that these are the people who support the Democratic Party, and whose agenda Democrats champion.
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