Friday, April 29, 2005

*DOES ANYONE ELSE GET THE IMPRESSION that the Democrats are going to ride the filibuster ship all the way to the bottom? Yesterday, Frist offered the Democrats 100 hours of debate over every nominee before any vote would be taken. Remember, these are judicial nominees that are so extreme that senate business must be brought to a standstill in order to obstruct their confirmation.

If indeed the nominees are that extreme, one would think 100 hours would be more than enough time to make the case to the senate and the American people. So why are the Democrat's balking? Either they know they can't make a case for extremism, or they are worried about their own ability to make a case...period. Either way, that's some pretty pathetic leadership.


Shayrah said...


I really enjoy your blog...keep up the good work! I can't believe the liberals can be so heartless about Laura and don't get me started on fillibusters...


Teaparty said...


Thanks for checking in. I swear, I was about to dump the comments section since nobody uses it anymore.

Thanks to you, I'm keeping it up.

Kobayashi Maru said...

I read the Dems as following the age-old advice about what to do when someone has a loaded gun aimed at you: keep talking. They know they have no options, so they're postponing the inevitable.

Anonymous said...

Are you trying to use logic to understand the liberals in the Senate? Good luck!