Thursday, April 28, 2005

Democrats Need Study To See The Obvious

Here's one from the "no-duh" file.

An analysis by a Democratic think tank argues that Democrats are suffering from a severe "parent gap" among married people with children, who say the entertainment industry is lowering the moral standards of the country. The study, published last week by the Progressive Policy Institute (PPI), the policy arm of the centrist Democratic Leadership Council, admonishes Democrats to pay more attention to parental concerns about "morally corrosive forces in the culture," and warns that the party will not fare better with this pivotal voting bloc until they do.

The article goes on to point out that parents voted for Bush over Kerry by a whopping 20 percent.

Given that the left supports trying to take away a parent's right to be aware of their child's decision to have an abortion, that their mafia, the ACLU, continues to support the free speech rights of a group that advocates child molestation, that they seem totally uninterested in prosecuting Planned Parenthood for supporting the rape of underage girls, and that John Kerry refered to Hollywood as the heart and soul of America, I'm not sure it should come as a surprise.

All of which begs the question: How much is too much to spend on a study that reveals what most people already know?

The evidence would seem to suggest that the Democrats are beginning to pay "lip service" to parents of this nation, but I'm afraid that's all it is, an attempt to patronize people who the left has very little regard for.
What they really want is for parents to reflect Democratic Party values, not the other way around. Exactly who does their party represent again?

Mort Kondracke sees it this way:

Based on this recent performance, the Democrats are going to keep on losing. They haven't proved that Bush's nominees are extreme. They haven't made the case that blocking filibusters is extreme. They said that participating in a religious rally was extreme. They just don't get it.

I'll say they don't.

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